The St. Paul’s community participates in a variety of fundraising events throughout the year. Fundraising helps keep tuition affordable, supports extracurricular athletic and enrichment programs, and helps repay debt that was taken out for school construction and church repairs. Currently, there are three fundraising groups, all of which work together to support St. Paul's:
The Preservation Fund, dedicated to help raise funds to repay the debt and support the school
The Parent Teacher Group, which supports the schools enrichment program
The Athletic Board, which helps support the schools sports programs.
Our primary fundraisers include Oktoberfest, Fun Run, the Dinner Dance and Auction to support the Preservation Fund; the annual Athletic Board's springtime Crab Feed to support the Athletic Program; and Family Bingo Night to support the Parent Teacher Group.
St. Paul's See's Yum-Raising​
Our annual holiday yumraising has begun! Order your See's gifts by December 6th!
Share our link with family and friends:
St. Paul's School has a year-round fundraiser with Minted!
Using our unique code FUNDRAISESTPAULS, you will get 20% OFF all your Minted card & gift purchases—and for every order placed, Minted will donate 15% back to St. Paul's School.
With high-quality products designed by independent artists, like custom photo gifts, holiday cards, tote bags, stationery, and more, Minted has meaningful gifts for every special occasion.
Gus's Community Market
Earn money for St. Paul's School when you shop for groceries! Fill out the attached form and turn into any Gus's location to get your Community Card. Then show your card when you shop in Gus's Community Markets and they will contribute 6% of your purchases to St. Paul's!
With Office Depot/Office Max's Give Back to Schools program, make a purchase of qualifying school supplies, provide St. Paul's ID 70014170 at checkout and St. Paul's will receive 5% back in credits for FREE supplies! If you're shopping online, enter St. Paul's ID 70014170 on the Thank You Confirmation page after purchasing. If you're shopping in person, simply provide the school’s name or ID (700141700) to the associate. And if you've purchased supplies from Office Depot/Office Max this calendar year, you can even go to their website to give the school credit for past purchases.