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Mission and Philosophy

School Mission Statement

St. Paul's School is dedicated to educating our diverse community of students in the Catholic faith.

It is our purpose to provide our students with quality instruction designed for high academic achievement and in the formation of faith in a safe and caring environment.

We encourage our students to become faith filled, well-educated, morally responsible individuals, who are prepared to make ethical choices for life.


School Philosophy

St. Paul’s School is dedicated to the education of its students and their moral development rooted in our Catholic faith in a safe and caring environment. 


St. Paul’s School offers a solid curriculum based on the California State and Archdiocesan standards in religion, reading/literature, English, mathematics, science, social studies, and technology. The core curriculum is supplemented with art, music, and physical education. It is through the learning environment and the relationships established between staff and students that Catholic values and morals are taught. 


Teachers at St. Paul’s School, as facilitators in the learning process, value working in partnership with parents to ensure children have the opportunity to maximize their own potential. 


St. Paul’s School offers the opportunity for students to grow beyond the classroom through service to our parish and the larger community, athletics, student government, and other extracurricular activities. 

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