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Report Card Coding


Objective: Mastery of introductory content standards
Academic Marking Code:
  • M = meets standard

  • W = working toward standard 

  • N = not meeting grade level standard

First and Second Grades:  

Objective: Mastery of grade level standards
Academic Marking Code: 
  • E = exceeds grade level standard

  • M = meets standard

  • W = working toward standard 

  • N = not meeting grade level standard

Behavioral Expectations and Learning Skills code: 

Kindergarten through Eighth Grade:
1 = Exceeds expectation Needed
2 = Meets Expectation
3 = Improvement 
4 = Unsatisfactory

Comment Code:

Kindergarten through Fifth Grade:
+ = area of strength
No mark = meeting expectations
or x = needs improvement

Co-Curricular Subject code: 

Kindergarten through Eighth Grade:
P = participates
NP = does not participate
Co-Curricular subjects may be graded using the standard marking code or P/NP.

Third–Eighth Grades


Third, Fourth and Fifth Grades:  

Application of primary skills to content materials; introduction to resource materials

Academic Marking Code:

A = Outstanding

  • A = 100-96 

  • A- =  95-93

B = Above Average

  • B+ =  92-91 

  • B =  90-87 

  • B- =  86-84

C = Average

  • C+ =  83-81

  • C =  80-74 

  • C- =  73-70

D = Below Average

  • D+ =  69-67

  • D =  66-63 

  • D- =  62-60

F = Failing

  • F =  59 or below 

Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades:  

Application of primary skills to content materials; creative use of resources; expression of own originality in completing assignments

Remarks code:  
Sixth through Eighth Grade

No remark indicates that the student is meeting expectations.


Areas of strength:
  1. Makes valuable contributions to class discussions

  2. Seeks help appropriately

  3. Engages enthusiastically in learning

  4. Consistently demonstrates pride in work

  5. Exhibits intellectual curiosity

  6. Thinks critically

  7. Works cooperatively

  8. Is well organized

Areas for growth:
  1. Needs to seek help appropriately

  2. Has difficulty working cooperatively

  3. Needs to show initiative

  4. Need to participate in class discussion

  5. Needs to improve presentation of work

  6. Needs to  improve organization skills

  7. Has difficulty expressing ideas

  8. Resists correction

  9. Talks excessively/disrupts instruction

  10. Incomplete, late, or missing assignments impact success

  11. Low test/quiz scores impact success

  12. Absences impact success

  13. Needs to improve effort

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